Yoga Lab In Person with Peentz Dubble
In Historic Kenwood, Monthly on Sundays, 1-3pm
Peentz is excited to offer an in-person “yoga lab” once a month for continuing students of yoga. Yoga Lab will meet one Sunday a month, from 1-3 pm in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Continuing in the tradition of BKS Iyengar, these workshops will enable us to work together and learn from each other, as students of Yoga. Meeting in person will enable us to observe and refine skillful actions and to learn how to assist each other, sometimes using props, in order to deepen the benefits of asana practice.
Classes are at St. Pete Dance, 3138 3rd Ave. N. at 31st St., St. Petersburg, FL 33713
Yoga Lab $25/class, 3-pack $70
Please book online. Walk-ins by check only.
Bring your own props: 3 blankets, 2 blocks, 1 belt, 1 chair if you can, and a mat.
Next class is:
- Jan. 19, Sun. 1-3 pm
- Feb. 16, Sun. 1-3 pm
- No March class
- Apr. 13, Sun. 1-3 pm
- May 18, Sun. 1-3 pm